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  • What if we could recycle the energy left over from discarded batteries? Now scientists know how

    Alkaline and carbon-zinc batteries are common in many self-powered devices. However, once the battery is depleted, it can no longer be used and is thrown away. It is estimated that around 15 billion batteries are manufactured and sold worldwide each year. Most of it ends up in landfills, and some...
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  • Heavy Duty Battery Market Outlook

    The global zinc carbon battery market is experiencing a significant growth and will grow considerably in the next few years. The electrochemical interaction between zinc and manganese dioxide produces direct electric current in a zinc–carbon battery, which is a dry cell primary battery (MnO2).It...
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  • What you should (and shouldn’t) do when using batteries?

    Batteries have come a long way. Over the years, improved technology and better design have made them a very safe and practical power source. However, they’re not completely harmless if handled incorrectly. Knowing what (not) to do with batteries is therefore an important step towards optimal batt...
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  • Mercury batteries: why they were popular – and banned

    Today, there is a worldwide ban on mercury in batteries. A good measure, given their high toxicity and harmful effects to the environment. But why were mercury batteries used in the first place? And which “no mercury added” batteries are a proper replacement? Read on to find out more. A brief his...
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  • Alkaline batteries VS zinc batteries

    Which batteries should you use in low drain appliances such as a TV remote control or a clock? And which ones are ideal for your dect phone? Do you have to choose the zinc batteries or are the alkaline cells better? But what is the...
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